The Dead Cat Tail Assassins by P. Djèlí Clark

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

3.5 stars

This book was difficult for me to rate. While reading it, I enjoyed many aspects, but it was also so easy to put down and not pick back up.

The worldbuilding is interesting and I liked the history that we are given on how the Shimmer came to be. Eveen is a fun character, and I enjoyed her sarcasm very much. I had a hard time matching her age to her voice, however. It was written like she was much younger. Maybe because she’s undead and her memories are erased? I’m unsure but it did throw me a bit.

The ending was really what made it difficult for me to give it a higher review. There is a character that has the dialogue written to demonstrate an accent, but that made it nearly impossible for me to understand. I wish there was some translation of it as my brain had a hard time with reading it and that threw me from the scene. This is a novella, so I knew it would be short, but the ending felt almost rushed. I wanted a little more of Eveen’s vengeance instead of glossing over that part.

Overall, I think this will be a good read for some and I did enjoy it. It was just a little too easy to put down. I will most likely look into P. Djèlí Clark’s other works because I did enjoy his writing style.

Thanks to NetGalley and Tor Publishing Group for the ARC.

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